Witness Blanket Documentary Trailer 2015 from Witness Blanket on Vimeo.
READ about Witness Blanket
Newman and his team travelled more than 200,000 kilometres over 12 months to gather the objects for the Witness Blanket and speak with thousands of survivors.
Elements include a child's shoe, braids of hair, a hockey trophy, a doorknob, a piece of belt, a photograph of a child and a letter from parents asking that their children come home, all supported in a large cedar frame. Visitors to the museum can use a mobile app to learn more about each item.
It is a weird situation. The colonizers are coming to check out the damage done.
Some of the things I read in comments were just trolls, and you must point out the irony, but it is supposed to be Reconciliation and the NEED to see the Truth.
But they didn't do all those terrible things, just like the current Pope didn't (their ancestors did, just as my ancestors)...and Diana knew, she must have...she was very astute. And we are talking about her kid here, William.
Still William and Kate have been raised in such a privileged way you must question will they be able to truly grasp it. https://whiteawake.org/2016/05/16/the-maturation-of-a-white-ally/
Most people don't really really grasp it, (so many deny or don't even know about it, it's been buried, it's been secret, a horrible dark scary ugly secret) they don't want to because you have to have GREAT EMPATHY to truly try and walk in the shoes of the Residential Survivors because to be totally honest, it's to f_____g scary. Yet we must, because it is the TRUTH.
Will the help though. What will they do? Anything. I can tell you one thing, they could put a ton of pressure on Justin and Christie to SHUT DOWN the fish farms RIGHT NOW!!
Help Cleanse Our Waters
http://cleansingourwaters.com/ before you kill off all wild salmon https://mylangaratrccarvingjourney.blogspot.ca/2016/09/call-to-action-protect-wild-salmon-link.html and truly have a genocide and who knows what will come out of that...I don't want to know but I look at Syria and other countries...I want peace and I want people fed, clothed and living in nice warm homes in the wet rainy forest like it's supposed to be so they don't suffer from depression and PTSD and addiction all caused by the loss of their cultures, language and now the very little land that is left.
Stop Climate Change!! Get Off Fossil Fuels.
They can put huge pressure on Justin and Christie and Catherine and Jody to do their jobs and STOP THE PIPELINES and TANKERS that are about to desecrate our coast. Stop subsidizing the Fossil Fuel Companies.
Save My Coast
No Dam Way! Stop Site C, where they are going to FLOOD our bread basket of BC.
Stop the LNG on Lelu Island. Find ways to pressure them to Save the baby salmon, this is their nursery.
The list goes on, ...
this is just what's happening mainly Unceded Territories to so called "British Columbia" it doesn't even cover the rest of Turtle Island - so called Canada
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https://bccla.org/about/territorial-acknowledgement/ |
But can they...what can they truly do... do they have any power...not here...but they still could raise awareness and do everything in their power to help us to go green and adopt a more indigenous lifestyle in harmony with the earth instead of raping her with mining and other horrible things.
When we return to healthier, happier, more harmonious times women will be treated and honored and they will have their rights acknowledged and honored. and there will be NO MORE MMIW. http://www.theredressproject.org/
Kate could help with that. The could help with the DTES because we need A LOT of help and I know they are going there but what are they really going to see. Someone said it will be link the Olympics when locals were pushed out and the streets were hosed. (I boycotted the Olympics)
So what are they going to do. Come here for PhotoOp. I know they have been promoting mental health Heads Together https://www.headstogether.org.uk/about-heads-together/ and if they are going to pump money into that they they need to know the truth about past AND about the very REAL and CURRENT issues facing the First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of Canada right now...not just facing them but these are issues that affect everyone.
Just as everyone is uniting in Standing Rock to protect the water for 30 million people so are the Indigenous people in Canada standing up and protecting the land, water, salmon along many other people who want a better life.
The news won't say it, that's why I am. The corporations cover up and control everything....Corporations, Colonialism, Catholicism, Communism...Control, Control
We need Freedom. We need Harmony!
Okay so to lighten the mood, I am going to post this. Don't we want this for all our kids.
Harmony with nature, peace and harmony in our lives.
They are heading up their so let's hope and prayer they figure it out and figure out ways to help correct the horrible wrongs of the past 100, 200, 500 years.
Prince William, Kate, the kids to hit Haida Gwaii, Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna in B.C. visit http://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/royals-to-visit-vancouver-and-victoria-during-canadian-visit
"The Haida’s relationship with the Crown, as represented by the governments of B.C. and Canada, can be confrontational, but Lantin said that has no bearing on the hospitality they’ll extend to the Prince and his family.
“We’re trying not to look at it as a political-type trip,” Lantin said. “It’s hard to do when you think about who they represent, but this isn’t the time for that.”
We MUST restore the balance! It's about RESPECT!
https://tinawinterlik.blogspot.ca/2015/11/we-must-restore-balance-its-about.htmlLastly I feel I must Speak Up.
And lastly I think we should listen to these wise words!
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You'd better free your mind instead